Team Umizoomi Wiki
Team Umizoomi Wiki

The Crazy Shake, Umi-Shake in Season 1, is the victory and concluding dance that Team Umizoomi does when at the end of every episode in which their mission is completed. Before the dance, Bot always says, "I feel a celebration coming on!" Then a disco ball appears in place of his antenna and the dance begins. In Season 1, it's called the Umi-Shake. It involves more individual motions, then the infamous Crazy Shake. Then there's an after-scene conclusion statement (in some season one episodes). In Seasons 2-present, the dance changes to only the Crazy Shake, where they shake like crazy with some of the other characters, people, and things from the episode. Also, there is no after-scene after the Crazy Shake.


Season 1

Milli: With our mighty Math powers, we can do anything! Bot: I feel a celebration coming on!

Team Umizoomi: Two, four, six, eight

Let's do the Umi Shake

Shake your hands high and low

Let's Go!

Shake your hands high!

To the sky!

Up High!

Shake your hands low!

To your toes

Down low!

Up High!

Down low!

Team Umizoomi: Two, four, six, eight

Everybody crazy shake!

Milli: Ah!!! Crazy shake with us!

Bot:  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Geo:  I'm shaking like craaaaaazy

Team Umizoomi: Team Umizoomi!, Way to go!

Milli: Umi Friend, you are mighty good at math. We're so glad you're on our team.

Season 2-4:

Bot: I feel a celebration coming on!

Team Umizoomi: 2, 4, 6, 8

Let's do the Crazy Shake


Milli: Let's celebrate

Geo: A job well done

Bot: Let's Crazy Shake

And have some fun

Everybody Crazy Shake

(Characters from the episode all do The Crazy Shake)

Bot: Mighty...

Geo: Mighty...

Milli: Mighty...

All: Math Powers!


In some episodes, Bot doesn't say the line that starts the dance. Mostly because of an interruption, someone else says the line, or he plays a little trick. (List of episodes below) (However, if you haven't seen the episodes below, beware for they contain spoilers)

Ghost Family Costume Party

  • Bot: Me feel celebration coming on.

Santa's Little Fixers

  • Santa: Ho ho ho! I feel a celebration coming on!

Journey to Numberland

  • Zilch: I feel a celebration coming on!

Buster the Lost Dog

  • Bot: I feel a- (Buster licks him) Oh! Buster!

Doctor Bot

  • Bot: Wait a second team! (pulls out stepescope) I hear something.
    • Milli: What is it Doctor Bot?
    • Bot: I hear... A celebration coming on!

The Umi City Treasure Hunt

  • Bot: There be a celebration coming on!


  • Bot: *sniffs* I smell a celebration coming on!

