Team Umizoomi Wiki
Team Umizoomi Wiki

It's Your Hair is a song from the episode Haircut Hijinx. The message of the song teaches that you can make your hair look like anything you want it to be. Long, short, spiky, puffy, and so many other ways you can do to your hair.


Milli: It's been so long, since I cut my hair

So many styles anyone can wear

Long hair

ALL: Do-hoo

From my head down to your toes

Geo: You don't have to try, just give it time

And watch how long it grows

Short hair

ALL: Do-hoo

Spike it like a porcupine

Milli: When I keep it straight, I like the shape

Cutting it all the time

Long hair

Geo: Short hair

Bot: Curly hair

ALL: Straight hair

It's your hair


Wear it any way you want it

It's your hair


Milli: Baby, If you've got it, flaunt it

ALL: It's your hair


Bot: Can I get a witness?

ALL: Big, Bigger, Biggest!!!

It's your hair


Geo: Whoo-hoo. Check out this 'do.

ALL: It's your hair


Milli: Look! I can make a braid!

ALL: It's your hair


Bot: Over (3x)

Geo: Under (3x)

ALL: It's your hair

Bot: World's tallest mohawk!

ALL: It's your hair

Bot: Actually, I prefer no hair. Smooth.

ALL: It's your hair


  • This song features Milli using Milli Measure without her helmet on for the first time. This shows she can use Milli Measure with both her ribbon ponytails from her helmet and her regular ponytails.
    • The differences between the ribbon and regular ponytails is the design and the other function. The ribbon ponytails being more rectangular, and the regular ponytails being more natural shaped. The other function is that her ribbon ponytails can also wrap around things like a prehensile tail. It is never shown if Milli's regular ponytails can do that as well.


  • There are several references using different types of hair.
    • Spiky hair features a porcupine that looks similar to Sonic the Hedgehog.
    • The photo with Bot in a trench coat holding a magnifying glass looks similar to Sherlock Holmes.
    • The photo with the team in space is directly referencing Star Wars, with Milli as Princess Leia, Geo as Luke Skywalker, and Bot as Chewbacca. There is also the Death Star in the background.
      • (Spoilers for the Star War Original Trilogy) This reference works well, as both Luke & Leia and Geo & Milli are brother and sister duos.
  • Bot's lyric of "Can I get a witness?" is referencing the song of the same name, 'Can I Get a Witness', a song by Marvin Gaye.




ve Songs
All Seasons
Team Umizoomi Theme SongCrazy ShakeWe Are Team UmizoomiHow Does It Work?
Season 1
Mighty Math PowersShapes All Over the PlaceUnderwaterOver, Under, Around, and ThroughNumbersSupermarketPurple Polka Dot PartyCount Your CoinsWe Like MilkWe're DinosaursChirp Chirp Tweet TweetFlower AcornWe're On Our WaySnack PatternsI Love Ice CreamChugga Chugga Choo ChooCostume SongButterfly DanceCounting by TensUnstuck DuckClean It UpWe're Going To The PlaygroundRecycle ItCall NumbersOrange, Yellow, GreenBig Boat RaceHo-Ho-Ho, Here We Go-Go-Go
Season 2
UmiCar SongChicks in the CityGhosts Love HalloweenThe UmiCar Rescue SongTurtle BridgeSuper SoapCounting CometI Can't StopAnything To Help My FriendsEmergencyJugglingThe Bunny TrainDeep Down Under The SeaWe're Following the TrailShark CarHe's The King of NumbersShapes on the SeaYou Won't Get The KeySignsThe Incredible Presto
Season 3
Cuckoo BearsWe're Going BowlingYou've Got a Job to DoRainy DayI Love My Shape BeltI'm the Shape BanditThree Terrible TrapsYou're A Shooting StarAliensSports Robots SongsWe Love Our PetsDodecahedronWhat Does Donkey Like?Doctor Bot, On The Spot!Video GamesA Favorite ToyThe Dragon SongsIt's Your HairPiratesSilly Snowmen
Season 4
The Troublemakers ThemeIt's Time for ActionSubmarine50 Baby PenguinsIt's Your BirthdayTools Are CoolSunshine PowerThey'll Never Get This SunshineWe'll Always Be ThereI Love LunchToo Many MeatballsTeamworkWe'll Get You HomeUmi NinjasUmiCopsUmi KnightsGotta RunThe Ogre DanceThe Amazing Cleaning GizmosWe Love the MoonStop the UmisRobot DanceUmi Copter
Promotional Songs
Meet GeoMeet MilliMeet BotAll The Single DigitsCounting by FivesDodecahedronEverybody CountsIt's a CylinderMeasurementNumber LineRocket RacecarSong of the Blue MermaidUmizumiz ThemeNochebuenaPirates Love To SingAnimales FerocesJust Like A RockstarCheerSpace, Beautiful Space Spooky!We're All FamilyTonight is a HolidayBrave, Brave KnightI Wanna Be a Cowgirl!Here We GoSuperheroes