Juggling is a song from the episode Ellee The Elephant.
(Note: Italics are talking, not singing)
Ellee: Well, the circus is filled with laughter and lights
And 3 magnificent rings
But nothing can fill me more with delight
Than juggling, juggling, juggling
A pretzel, a ball, and a bat
What could be more fun than that?
Milli: What if we added 3 more things?
Ellee: Like a hot dog, a clock, and a hat?
Now we're juggling, juggling, juggling
A hot dog, a clock, and a hat
A pretzel, a ball, and a bat
6 things, that's a lot.
What if I add
Milli: Milli
Geo: Geo
Bot: Bot
Ellee: Now we're juggling, juggling, juggling
A hot dog, a clock, and a hat
A pretzel, a ball, and a bat
A Milli, a Geo, a Bot
Bot: Whoo-hoo!
9 things, that's a lot.
ALL: We're juggling, juggling, juggling