Team Umizoomi Wiki
Team Umizoomi Wiki

This song was sung in Journey to Numberland, when Team Umizoomi was sailing with Square Beard over Shape Sea to retrieve the Star Key.


Team Umizoomi: Shapes on the sea

Shapes on the sea

Square Beard the pirate's gonna sail us to the key

Square Beard: Ahoy! Keep on the lookout for shapes out on the sea!

Geo: Like one giant oval and a trapezoid tail

Square Beard: Shiver me timbers! You've just made a whale!

Team Umizoomi: Shapes on the sea

Shapes on the sea

Square Beard: Square Beard the pirate's gonna sail youse to the key

Geo: Two rectangles in a cris-cross array, a crescent on the bottom...

Square Beard: And it's anchors away

Geo: Whoa!

Team Umizoomi: Shapes on the sea

Starfish: Shapes on the sea

All: Square Beard the pirate's gonna sail us to the key
